Socially and environmentally responsible angling #leavenotrace

Master Angler Pro Leave No Trace is more than just about raising awareness we need to fund and support the clean-up and returning to a safe condition of thousands of areas around the UK. You can help get that ball rolling and support us to reach our stretch target. This will help us to set up campaigns and initiatives across the UK.
UK Angling needs to be seen to be changing and that, we as Anglers will no longer tolerate anyone who brings angling into disrepute.

3 Main target areas:
Fishing generated plastic, Fishing generated litter, Line and hook removal from UK freshwater and coastal venues
Illegal removal (poaching) of coarse fish, the Illegal removal of undersized sea fish and unlawful damage to any of our angling habitats, fauna and flora.
The removal of any fishing generated plastic, plastic, from UK angling (This is a big one as it means getting the manufacturers to change their ways too)

support us here:
These pictures are awful, it's a sad thought that people would leave such nice areas in such a mess. I'll be doing my part to help clean this mess and I'll be keeping to the leave no trace code to help prevent things getting worse, and hopefully improve our water ways and fisheries.