Game (Fly) Fishing
Wet or dry, river or reservoir, floating or sinking we have it covered
Tell every angler you know to visit us at www.masteranglerpro.com
The plan to develop an APP is now on hold due to the software developer pulling out of the project. The developer either could not or would not deliver what he promised. We were let down on multiple delivery dates for the APP and given excuses each time. This left EBISU developments LTD and MasterAnglerPro.com almost bankrupt.
We now have plans to re-finance and when developed re-launch the APP. We are currently looking for potential developers. So in the mean time..............

You can support us by buying Pembrey Multi-Wraps and Art from our online store

When the App is available depending on your default settings, each time you record your catch Master Angler Pro.com the App will record all your data. All you have to do is select what species of fish, how big it is and if your keeping it for the pot. Master Angler Pro.com will always default as catch and release unless you click the Kept button.
Additional data automatically captured Depending on your set ups and defaults:
Date, Time, Location, weather conditions, fishery, on the shore, in the boat, peg number, water temperature, water depth, Rod, Reel, main line, leader, tippet, fly basically the more you set up the more data you can collect about you fishing session.
During the session use the analytics to review the session summary, at the end of the session generate a catch report you can email to the fishery, when you get home review all the analytics features on the PC and review the data in ways you never thought possible:
Review catches by rods, reels, flies, date, time, locations, weather
Review a single session or all your sessions
Review the fish you have caught by species, size, type
Analytics give you endless possibilities for reviewing you catches. Data is invaluable when improving your fishing the more data in the better information out and you improve your catch rate.
Master Angler Pro.com
by Anglers, For Anglers, No Adds, Personal Data safe