My father Roy passed away a few years ago and Master Angler Pro is something I have created as his legacy.
If there is one thing I can pass on to you is this: If you see something wrong in the world you must stand up for what is right, pretending it isn't happening is as bad as those who did wrong in the first place.
So stand up for what is right, confront what is wrong help Master Angler Pro fight for Anglers issues and fight against those who bring angling into disrepute both anglers and non-anglers alike.
Crowdfund us, Buy our merchandise, that will fund us to develop the App and Tackle safe and that in-turn will all fund Leave No Trace.
The main areas we are targeting is
Fishing generated plastic, Fishing generated litter, Line and hook removal from UK freshwater and coastal venues
Illegal removal (poaching) of coarse fish, the Illegal removal of undersized sea fish.
Unlawful damage to any of our angling habitats, fauna and flora.
The removal of any fishing packaging generated plastic, plastic, from UK angling (This is a big one as it means getting the manufacturers to change their ways too)
A catch returns register for all anglers in sea and course fishing. Trout fisheries already do it to manage their stocks but its hit and miss and current data capture methods for other fishing types are inaccurate at best.
What are the issues you feel we should be raising with the powers that govern our angling?