This was left behind peg 10 at Bayeswater day ticket lake. I have already posted in the Master Angler Pro Leave No Trace blog the problem that Bayeswater and every other fishery, beach, river, canal, stream, loch, reservoir, pond and waterway seems to be facing.

This has become the norm in our modern enlightened world. The irresponsible few, Anglers and Non-Anglers alike destroying our environment, our fishing and our valuable time. Gary at Bayeswater will be doing another clean up around the entrance to their fishery where there is a skip for all the waste and rubbish. Yes that's right, clean up around the skip because it seems people can't manage to put their waste and rubbish IN A SKIP! Good luck Gary in your fight against these few.
So this post is the first post helping to highlight the plight of fisheries all across the UK and to make the irresponsible few socially unacceptable anywhere. Whilst the issue remains just within the angling community it will never gain momentum and we will never get rid of the irresponsible few. We the responsible anglers already get blamed and are seen as an enemy of fish and the environment as it is, we must change the culture within fishing and outside of fishing we have to show everyone we are changing and doing our bit and we the responsible angler will no longer tolerate ANYONE who brings angling in to disrepute.
To any other angler or fishery if you have a similar story and photos of the issues you are facing please either send to us at Master Angler Pro or join us and post it here
ANGLERS Master Angler Pro Leave No Trace #leavenotrace #leavenotracecode #masteranglerpro #take5 #Anglingtrust #cleanupourbeaches #cleanupourshores